バックアップDB - 【攻略】モナモンwiki
パンチ 無 物理 35 100 35 おびえる 無 効果 100 20 効果発動率100% 相手のちから-20% マ
パンチ 無 物理 35 100 35 おびえる 無 効果 100 20 効果発動率100% 相手のちから-20% マ
ンの値を +150% 増やします。Complete Money Talks超能力の財布5.00e38500 Ud拾った時だけコインの値を +100% 増やします。Complete Fool's Gold伝説の財布2.00e56200 St拾った時だけコインの値を +150% 増や
0 0 0.0 2.0 0 0.8 1.8 沈黙に耐性 攻撃は術ダメージを与え、自身の攻撃力の100%の灼熱ダメージを追加で与える ※灼熱ダメージ: 蓄積値が1000になる
、凍結、浮遊、侵蝕ダメージに耐性をもつ 再生 最初の死亡時に現在の敵出現waveを終了させ、3.5秒かけて復活し、 HPを100%回復させる 復活後、一定時間経過後も目的の位置(4.8)を通過していなければ、 その地点に向かって進む 復活後、第二形態
6000 1500 220 30.0 5.0 1 0.6 2.0 爆弾投下による周囲8マスへ100%範囲物理攻撃を行い、 攻撃後移動速度が200%上昇 ※スキルは1回しか使用できず、無効化することもできない。
品質。釣り[]OverviewDetailedRaw Fish MeatRaw Prime Fish MeatQuality range: 100% - 100%The crate consists of exactly 1 of the following tier sets.
_%28Empty%29.pngWaterskinWoodWooden_Sign.pngWooden SignQuality range: 100% - 100%The crate contains exactly 1 of the following tier sets.Cam
0 0 0.0 2.0 0 0.8 1.8 沈黙に耐性 攻撃は術ダメージを与え、自身の攻撃力の100%の灼熱ダメージを追加で与える ※灼熱ダメージ: 蓄積値が1000になる
15 / 18秒間ガンツリスト - アンコモン深紅の槍アルケイン アラクネArcaneArachne64x.png アラクネウォールラッチ時100%25% / 50% / 75% / 100% / 125% / 150% Bonus Damage5 / 10 / 15 / 20
を意味します。OverviewDetailedRaw Fish MeatRaw Prime Fish MeatQuality range: 100% - 100%The crate consists of exactly 1 of the following tier sets.
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
olly_Rhino_Horn.pngWoolly Rhino HornWoolly Rhino SaddleQuality range: 100% - 100%The crate contains of exactly 1 of the following tier sets.
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
et rewarded with 1 item.Set choice is randomized every roll.Quantity: 100% - 100%Mission Loot Set (Chance 50%)This item set consists of exac
0 2800 300 100 50 2 1 1.1 - 出現から20秒間、物理回避+100% オリジムシ・β (源石虫·β) 33 普通
ア 乾燥-ボ-ダーランド等 (arid- borderlands high canyons) 乾燥100% 牧草10% 100% 50% 100% 80% 100% ボーダーゾーン バストなど
が大幅にアップします。LV20から購入できるMountは移動速度60%上昇(10g)、LV40で購入できるEpic Mount(100g)は100%上昇になっています。 Lv20になると「Riding Training Pamphlet」がMail で来るので、その場所に行き。R
0.7 - 沈黙に耐性 【戦士形態】 半径1.5以内に【燃える葦の群生】がある場合、 攻撃時に攻撃力の100%の灼熱ダメージを与える 倒されると1秒後に【怨念の残火】となり、 1秒間移動不可、無敵、ブロック不可、強制移動無効を得る
説明 1番目の技を上書きすることができる 技 コスト25 ダークネス・ゾーン(0/85/5)闇・効果 効果発動率100% 相手のまりょく-35% 備考 ガチャ限定品 画像 レア度 名前
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
トイレ (Outhouse) 建築資材×1 0hrs 装飾用。効率100%とあるが、未検証 小屋(小) (Small Shack) 建築資材×5
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit
t consists of exactly 1 of the following item entries.Quantity scale: 100% - 200%Quality scale: 100% - 100%Missions - never BP - with qualit